Northumbria Police Cadets

Northumbria Police Cadets

It’s time for new experiences, new opportunities and new people! Applications to join us as a Police Cadet are now open – click here to apply. Applications will close Sunday 20th April 2025, don’t miss out on your chance to do something different.

Show yourself what you’re made of

By becoming a cadet you’ll uncover skills and confidence that you never knew you had and make new friendships that will last for a lifetime.

It’s an incredible three-year programme, during which you’ll work alongside serving police officers, see behind the scenes of our stations and get involved with your local community. Each week of the cadet programme you’ll be trained in a new subject, from learning the basics of the law to understanding arrest and custody processes.

Information for Parents and Carers about the Northumbria Police Cadet programme.

What will I do?

You’ll have the opportunity to visit specialist police teams around the force, which could include Air Support, Marine, Mounted (Horses), Firearms, and Forensics. It’s a great chance to get behind the scenes and find out about aspects of policing that many people don’t get to see.

You’ll also be involved in major North East events as a representative of Northumbria Police. You could find yourself lending a hand along the route of the Great North Run, joining thousands of others in marching at a Pride event, or marshalling at Mouth of the Tyne festival.

You’ll work closely with neighbourhood police officers by:

  • Taking part in officer patrols around the neighbourhood
  • Visiting local businesses to carry out ‘test purchases’ for underage items
  • Offering crime prevention advice to local residents at community events
  • Working with community groups, making visits to schools, hospitals and care homes
  • Carrying out surveys in the neighbourhood

How will joining the police cadets help me?

Becoming a cadet is a great opportunity to develop valuable skills for challenges and responsibilities of the future such as teamwork, resilience, confidence and respect.

  • Meet new friends
  • Step into the world of policing
  • Find your sense of adventure
  • Learn transferable skills for the future
  • Develop practical skills (e.g. basic first aid)
  • Deal with challenges
  • Enhance your CV
  • Gain an insight into policing
  • Support your local community
Become a Northumbria Police Cadet - Serve alongside, see behind the scenes, local community

What new skills will I learn?

Besides learning the basics of the law, you’ll also be trained in practical situations. You’ll pick up skills like first aid, problem solving, conflict management, and team working, which can be used in any situation. You’ll also learn about Northumbria Police Code of Ethics, and get an insight into the history of the Northumbria Police service.

As with other uniformed services, our cadets are taught to maintain high standards in their uniform and will carry out drills, presenting themselves professionally at weekly meetings.

Northumbria police cadets also have the chance to work towards the Duke of Edinburgh Award. Not only does the Award look great to future employers or colleges, through the Award you can help to look after your local community/environment, become fitter, develop new skills and plan, train for and complete an expedition. Find out more about the Duke of Edinburgh Award.

Will being a cadet help me to become a police officer?

The Volunteer Police Cadet scheme will give you an insight into policing and will help you to make career choices. Taking part in the cadet scheme is not a guaranteed route to becoming a police officer or a Special Constable, but you’ll get a taster of what it’s like to work within a police force and meet people who will be able to support you to achieve your goals. Joining the programme gives you experiences and skills that are transferable to lots of other career paths too!

How long does the programme last?

The programme will run in line with the academic year from September to July for three years. Volunteer Police Cadets meet once a week during school term time – normally on a mid-weeknight with possible additional dates for special events and trips. Each week you will learn about a different subject in policing. Following a 10-week induction you will celebrate at a special event where you will take the Cadet Oath in front of your family and friends.

What do I need to know before I apply?

You’ll need to complete a short application form and take part in an informal interview with a cadet leader. Before applying make sure you meet our basic criteria for joining:

  • You must be entering years 9 or 10 as of the coming academic year beginning September 2024, turning 14 or 15 in this academic year (1st September 2024 – 31st August 2025). Once you are 18, subject to eligibility requirements, you can apply to volunteer as a Special Constable or an Assistant Cadet Leader.
  • You should live in the Northumbria Police Force area because you will be heavily involved with your local community.
  • Even if you have received a reprimand or warning from the police, this does not mean you cannot go on to become a Cadet.

What will happen at the end of the programme?

At the end of the 3-year cadetship, you’ll be invited to attend a celebration event and will be presented with a certificate for your achievement! You’ll come away with some great skills and experience, and you’ll have lots to talk about with employers and in university applications.

When you are 18 years old, you will have the opportunity to apply to become a Volunteer Assistant Cadet Leader, where you will help other young people who join the programme to follow in your footsteps. You will be a mentor and role model to the cadets, supporting them throughout their cadetship; you will deliver cadet sessions alongside the Cadet Leader, attend cadet events and activities, and develop your communication and leadership skills!

Once you are 18 years old, you could also be eligible to apply to become a Special Constable; Special Constables are volunteer Police Officers who have the same powers as regular Police Officers. They dedicate their time to fighting crime and helping keep our communities safe!

Are you interested in becoming a police cadet?

If you’re aged 13 – 14 years old and interested in becoming a police cadet, you can find out more information about the programme here.

Each week of the cadet programme you’ll be trained in a new subject, from learning the basics of the law to understanding arrest and custody processes. You’ll also have the opportunity to visit specialist police teams around the force, which could include Air Support, Marine, Mounted (Horses), Firearms, and Forensics. It’s a great chance to get behind the scenes and find out about aspects of policing that many people don’t get to see.

You’ll also be involved in major North East events as a representative of Northumbria Police. You could find yourself lending a hand along the route of the Great North Run, joining thousands of others in marching at a Pride event or marshalling at Mouth of the Tyne festival.

You’ll work closely with neighbourhood police officers by:

  • Taking part in officer patrols around the neighbourhood
  • Visiting local businesses to carry out ‘test purchases’ for underage items
  • Offering crime prevention advice to local residents at community events
  • Working with community groups, making visits to schools, hospitals and care homes
  • Carrying out surveys in the neighbourhood

Becoming a cadet is a great opportunity to develop valuable skills for challenges and responsibilities of the future such as teamwork, resilience, confidence and respect.

  • Meet new friends
  • Step into the world of policing
  • Find your sense of adventure
  • Learn transferable skills for the future
  • Develop practical skills (e.g. basic first aid)
  • Deal with challenges
  • Enhance your CV
  • Gain an insight into policing
  • Support your local community

Besides learning the basics of the law, you’ll also be trained in practical situations. You’ll pick up transferable skills like first aid, problem solving, conflict management, and team working, which can be used in any situation. You’ll also learn about Northumbria Police’s Code of Ethics, and get an insight into the history of the Northumbria Police service.

As with other uniformed services, our cadets are taught to maintain high standards in their uniform and will carry out drills, presenting themselves professionally at weekly meetings.

As a Northumbria Police cadet you’ll have the chance to work towards the Duke of Edinburgh Award. Not only does the Award look great to future employers or colleges, through the Award you can help to look after your local community/environment, become fitter, develop new skills and plan, train for and complete an expedition. You can find out more about the Duke of Edinburgh Award.

The Volunteer Police Cadet scheme will give you an insight into policing and will help you to make career choices. Taking part in the cadet scheme is not a guaranteed route to becoming a police officer or a Special Constable, but you’ll get a taster of what it’s like to work within a police force and meet people who will be able to support you to achieve your goals. Joining the programme gives you experiences and skills that are transferable to lots of other career paths too!

The programme will run in line with the academic year from September to July for three years. Volunteer Police Cadets meet once a week during school term time – normally on a mid-weeknight with possible additional dates for special events and trips. Each week you will learn about a different subject in policing. Following a 10-week induction you will celebrate at a special event where you will take the Cadet Oath in front of your family and friends.

You’ll need to complete a short application form and take part in an informal interview with a cadet leader. Before applying make sure you meet our basic criteria for joining:

  • You must be entering years 9 or 10 as of the coming academic year beginning September 2024, turning 14 or 15 in this academic year (1st September 2024 – 31st August 2025). Once you are 18, subject to eligibility requirements, you can apply to volunteer as a Special Constable or an Assistant Cadet Leader.
  • You should live in the Northumbria Police Force area because you will be heavily involved with your local community.
  • Even if you have received a reprimand or warning from the police, this does not mean you cannot go on to become a Cadet.

At the end of the 3-year cadetship, you’ll be invited to attend a celebration event and will be presented with a certificate for your achievement! You’ll come away with some great skills and experience, and you’ll have lots to talk about with employers and in university applications.

When you are 18 years old, you will have the opportunity to apply to become a Volunteer Assistant Cadet Leader, where you will help other young people who join the programme to follow in your footsteps. You will be a mentor and role model to the cadets, supporting them throughout their cadetship; you will deliver cadet sessions alongside the Cadet Leader, attend cadet events and activities, and develop your communication and leadership skills!

Once you are 18 years old, you could also be eligible to apply to become a Special Constable; Special Constables are volunteer Police Officers who have the same powers as regular Police Officers. They dedicate their time to fighting crime and helping keep our communities safe!

Become a Northumbria Police Cadet - Serve alongside, see behind the scenes, local community

Information for Parents and Carers

If you’re a parent and carer of a young person looking to join the police cadets, you can find out more information about the volunteer programme here.

What can a young person get out of being a cadet?

Joining the cadets is a chance for young people to find out their strengths, make a whole new set of friends and find a sense of independence in a safe and friendly environment. It is completely free to join, with free uniform and no weekly subs to pay! We welcome cadets from any social, economic, ethnic group; gender; ability / disability. We actively encourage young people who may feel disadvantaged through crime or social exclusion to join the VPC.

  • Meet new friends: a cadet will make a whole new set of friends, gain new social skills and more confidence in group situations.
  • Step into a world of policing: a cadet will receive a unique insight into policing and have the chance to work alongside serving officers, learn from them and understand what it means to be a Northumbria Police Officer.
  • Find a sense of adventure: a cadet will gain new experiences and will visit different locations around or force area, getting involved in fantastic, local events.
  • New skills for the future: being a cadet will reveal true strengths and your cadet will learn how to apply these skills to everyday life.
  • Deal with challenge: a cadet will develop a real sense of independence and a new positive mindset, open to whatever opportunity and life presents.
  • Enhance CV and applications: the three year cadet course will look great on university or college applications, and CVs to impress a future employer.

Frequently asked questions

If you’d like any further information, or would like to discuss adjustments and support throughout the application process you can email us at

What can a young person get out of being a cadet?

Joining the cadets is a chance for young people to find out their strengths, make a whole new set of friends and find a sense of independence in a safe and friendly environment. It is completely free to join, with free uniform and no weekly subs to pay! We welcome cadets from any social, economic, ethnic group; gender; ability / disability. We actively encourage young people who may feel disadvantaged through crime or social exclusion to join the VPC.

  • Meet new friends: a cadet will make a whole new set of friends, gain new social skills and more confidence in group situations.
  • Step into a world of policing: a cadet will receive a unique insight into policing and have the chance to work alongside serving officers, learn from them and understand what it means to be a Northumbria Police Officer.
  • Find a sense of adventure: a cadet will have the opportunity to set out on Duke of Edinburgh expeditions with the aim of achieving a Bronze DofE Award and to progress to achieve a Silver DofE Award.
  • New skills for the future: being a cadet will reveal true strengths and your cadet will learn how to apply these skills to everyday life.
  • Deal with challenge: a cadet will develop a real sense of independence and a new positive mindset, open to whatever opportunity and life presents.
  • Enhance CV and applications: the three year cadet course will look great on university or college applications, and CVs to impress a future employer.

Frequently asked questions