Cookie Policy

Cookie Policy

Your web browser can be set to not accept cookies or to ask you for permission each time a website wishes to place a cookie on your computer. Please consult the help function for your particular browser.

For more detailed information about cookies please see the All about cookies website.

You can find information on how to manage cookies from the Information Commissioners Office

Web Analytics and cookies

The information generated by web analytics cookies about your use of the website (including your IP address) is transmitted to the web analytics tools we use.

This information is then used to evaluate visitors’ use of the website and to compile statistical reports on website activity for Northumbria Police.

We use this information to help us improve the content of our website to meet our users’ needs.

Northumbria Police will not (and will not allow any third party) to use the statistical analytics tool to track or to collect any personally identifiable information of visitors to our site.

We will not associate any data gathered from this site with any personally identifying information from any source as part of our use of the any statistical analytics tool.

We do not use cookies to store or retrieve information relating to personal identities, and we do not share any personal information stored in cookies with other organisations.

To read our cookie policy in full visit our Northumbria Police main website.

Northumbria Police Cookies

Cookie name: _snow_id.8b2c

Type: Stored in your browser

Owned by: Northumbria Police

Contains personal info: No

Google Analytics Cookies

Cookie name(s): _utma, _utmb, _utmc, _utmz

Type: Stored in your browser

Owned by: Google

Contains personal info: No