Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

On the 25th May 2018 the UK produced its third generation of data protection law. This is the same date as the General Data Protection Regulation, GDPR, was launched throughout the European Union, EU.

The new data protection law will apply the EU’s GDPR standards for the processing of data considered as “general data”, this is data which is processed for a reason not involving law enforcement or national security. How organisations should process “general data” can be found at Part 2 of the new law.

The processing of data for law enforcement purposes can only be done by an organisation which is considered as a “competent authority”. Law enforcement purposes are “the prevention, investigation, detection or prosecution of criminal offences or the execution of criminal penalties, including the safeguarding against and the prevention of threats to public security”. The description of a “competent authority” is laid down in data protection law, and includes but is not limited to, organisations such as police forces, the Financial Conduct Authority and the Information Commissioner. How organisations should process data for “law enforcement purposes” can be found at Part 3 of the law.

This Privacy Notice explains how and why Northumbria Police process your personal data, under Part 2, “general data” and Part 3 “law enforcement data” and the steps we take to keep your information safe. It also describes your rights in regard to your personal information and how to complain to the Information Commissioner if you have concerns as to how we have handled your data.

To view our full Privacy Policy click here.

Changes to our Privacy Notice

We keep our privacy notice under regular review. This privacy notice was last updated on the 23rd May 2018.

If we plan to use your personal information for a new purpose we will update our privacy notice and communicate the changes before we start any new processing.

On the 25th May 2018 the UK produced its third generation of data protection law. This is the same date as the General Data Protection Regulation, GDPR, was launched throughout the European Union, EU.

The new data protection law will apply the EU’s GDPR standards for the processing of data considered as “general data”, this is data which is processed for a reason not involving law enforcement or national security. How organisations should process “general data” can be found at Part 2 of the new law.

The processing of data for law enforcement purposes can only be done by an organisation which is considered as a “competent authority”. Law enforcement purposes are “the prevention, investigation, detection or prosecution of criminal offences or the execution of criminal penalties, including the safeguarding against and the prevention of threats to public security”. The description of a “competent authority” is laid down in data protection law, and includes but is not limited to, organisations such as police forces, the Financial Conduct Authority and the Information Commissioner. How organisations should process data for “law enforcement purposes” can be found at Part 3 of the law.

This Privacy Notice explains how and why Northumbria Police process your personal data, under Part 2, “general data” and Part 3 “law enforcement data” and the steps we take to keep your information safe. It also describes your rights in regard to your personal information and how to complain to the Information Commissioner if you have concerns as to how we have handled your data.

Changes to our Privacy Notice

We keep our privacy notice under regular review. This privacy notice was last updated on the 23rd May 2018.

If we plan to use your personal information for a new purpose we will update our privacy notice and communicate the changes before we start any new processing.

To read our privacy policy in full visit our main Northumbria Police website.

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